Oct 4, 2023
Today I’m joined by Laura Lewis, a conscious creative soul sharing her journey through her writing, oracle-deck creating and overal conscious living. This episode is for you if you're craving spiritual inspiration from a deeply earthed, poetic point of view.
In this episode, Laura & I talk about:
1. The journey, spirituality and sacredness of micro-dosing
during menstruation
2. Bringing creative projects such as the 'Whole Woman' oracle deck
to life in an intuitive way
3. What wholeness means and how we can land deeply in that which is
already there
~ Check out Laura's amazing oracle deck Whole Woman, find her on Substack ('The Whole Woman' & 'An Ode to Devotion') and keep an eye on her website (lauralewis.uk) for when she's able to share her beautiful book that's brewing!
~ Let’s hang out on Instagram (@thespiritualfem), send me an email with your thoughts (hello@thespiritualfeminist.com) and click around on the website for all the current offerings