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Feb 15, 2020

I am in Bali! I met my soul sister in real life! It is all happening!

On our last full day together, Kerry and I sat down to record what is probably the most intuitive episode I have ever done. We talk about our travels together as well as apart, the spiritual world in Bali, triggers and sisterly love. 

Kerry spent a month in Borneo before she came to Bali, where she volunteered with orang-utans. It was a life-changing experience for her in more ways than one. At the same time, I needed some time when I arrived in Bali to ground and feel myself again. Mama Bali does not mess around with her energy and lessons! 

We talk about the sound healing at Pyramids of Chi we went to, as well as the full moon kirtan & cacao ceremony we attended. Both were incredible in their own way, and we have similar as well as different experiences with them. We agree that the power of kirtan and gathering lies in losing yourself in such a way that you meet and find yourself completely.

In this episode, we pull from the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle Deck (pocket sized edition). Check out my highlight on Instagram (‘Card Pullings’) for a sneak peek of the look and feel of this deck, and look up Alana Fairchild for other beautiful decks like this one.

I am so happy we recorded this podcast, in our noisy and sweaty little hut on Nusa Lembongan. I feel like it captures our mindset so beautifully and reflects everything we were feeling and moving through at that moment. This is what the Diaries are going to be like! 

~ Follow Kerry on Instagram: @kerry_hinns and check out episode #19 for our first podcast together.

~ Don't forget to subscribe!

~ Visit the Spiritual Fem website & join the community on Instagram ~ and let me know what you thought of this episode! I would love to hear from you.

~ Music credits go to

The Spiritual Fem is an online platform and a safe space for women who'd like to dive deeper into feminism, spirituality and womanhood ~ but simply don't know where to begin. As a Spiritual Feminist, I believe that connecting to spirituality can give you a deeper experience of life. This podcast is about exploring that connection within ourselves and with everything around us. I hope you will leave this episode feeling inspired and reconnected to your female fire.

~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you.