Oct 16, 2020
Get yourself a chai tea and cozy up, because today on the podcast I’m exploring one of my favourite reads of 2020 (and so far in my life, to be honest): If Women Rose Rooted by Sharon Blackie. I cite passages, weave in my own thoughts and hopefully give you inspiration on rewilding, authenticity and belonging within spiritual feminism.
I talk about how my spiritual feminism is essentially rooted in honouring the wisdom of Mother Earth and how we can only reconnect to ourselves by reconnecting to the land. Our land. This book inspired me to dive deeper into the rituals, spiritualities and histories that make up the Western world and create a foundation of my own spirituality with THAT knowledge, instead of grasping onto traditions from cultures which are not mine.
The text also urged me to explore how the necessity of feminism in our world mirrors the necessity of sustainability too. The acts of violence, abuse and trauma we experience as women is what Mother Earth is experiencing as well. So as you connect to your own inner spiritual being, your body, your spirituality - I invite you to explore what this means for your outer world too. The earth that carries you. The nature that gives you the possibility to breathe.
I feel so inspired by these concepts that I decided to create a virtual workshop on Thursday 29 October at 8PM CET, called ‘Naturing Yourself’. We will explore the concept of rewilding within spiritual feminism and how we can celebrate our bodies as our natural connection to our soul and Mother Earth. Sign up for $22 - or join the Root to Rise membership for more content like this and you get to join the workshop for free. I’d love to hold space for you in this way :) !
~ Visit the Spiritual Fem website & join the community on Instagram ~ and let me know what you thought of this episode! I would love to hear from you.
~ Music credits go to www.purple-planet.com.
The Spiritual Feminist is an online platform and a safe space for women who'd like to dive deeper into spirituality and female empowerment. This podcast is about exploring a deeper connection within ourselves and with everything around us.