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Feb 19, 2021

This podcast episode is probably the most vulnerable one to date. I feel called to share my personal story of being diagnosed with the condition ‘vaginismus’, and the journey of disconnect with my body and trauma around my female sexuality with you. In the hope it will break stigma and taboo and that it perhaps will find some of you dealing with something similar - or even the same. 

Vaginismus is the involuntarily contracting, squeezing and tightening of the muscles of your pelvic floor. This can mean that it is painful for you to have sex, or that it is impossible. 
My experience is the latter. 
There is 'lifelong' vaginismus - having this condition without no direct sexual trauma that has caused it - and 'acquired' vaginismus - which does point to direct physical trauma. 

In this episode, I talk about getting diagnosed with vaginismus, the trouble I had with this condition throughout my past relationship and beyond and about having various different types of physical therapy to heal it. I talk about the successful therapy at a policlinic of a hospital, as well as the more spiritual outlook I have on my vaginismus now. 
I believe that there is much past-life trauma that is stored in my pelvic area which I now carry around with me in the form of vaginismus. Talk about my spirituality, feminism and womanhood coming together! 

I hope this episode will help some sisters out there, silently suffering with the same effects this diagnosis can bring. If you want to reach out and talk about it, please email me: 

If you live in the Netherlands and are interested in the treatment I talk about, check out the LUMC. 

And once again, thank you for this safe space that has allowed me to talk about my story. It's such a healing experience for me and I'm so grateful we're all here to support and inspire each other. This sisterhood rules and I'm so happy to be a part of it!

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~ The Spiritual Feminist is an online platform and a safe space for women who'd like to dive deeper into spirituality and female empowerment. This podcast is about exploring a deeper connection within ourselves and with everything around us

~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you