Apr 13, 2020
In this episode, I discuss the amazingly powerful work Burning
Woman, written by Lucy H Pearce.
I discuss a couple of chapters in
the beginning and at the end, leaving space to read the work
yourself and gather your own thoughts and ideas.
I think this book
will trigger a lot in every woman reading it, which is what it did
to me and why I wanted to discuss it on the podcast.
Lucy lays bare the painful his-/her-story of women’s relationship
with fire.
The continuous collective threat and fear is deeply
rooted in our nervous system. Fear of what? The fear of being
labeled a bad girl. Bad girls get burned. Literally and
metaphorically. This is why as women collectively we are kept
small, and we keep ourselves small. Think about the word ‘heresy’
as an example. Her-e-say. Her Say. RIGHT?!
This book discusses the sisterhood wound, about taking up space, and mainly about reclaiming our inner burning woman. The woman who listens to her burning passions. Who knows that in the past (at least in the Western world) she would have gotten burned for her power and her beliefs but now she can reclaim her power and burn brightly from within.
I’d love to know your thoughts on this episode, what triggered
you and what resonated (or both!) and if you’d like to pick up this
book yourself now too.
I also wrote an article on this archetype and book for Roots &
Wings Magazine. Check
out their website to order your copy of the first edition,
which features my article alongside other incredible texts by
inspiring women (including Lucy H. Pearce herself!).
~ Don't forget to subscribe!
~ Visit the Spiritual Fem website & join the community on Instagram ~ and let me know what you thought of this episode! I would love to hear from you.
~ Music credits go to www.purple-planet.com.
The Spiritual Fem is an online platform and a safe space for women who'd like to dive deeper into feminism, spirituality and womanhood ~ but simply don't know where to begin. As a Spiritual Feminist, I believe that connecting to spirituality can give you a deeper experience of life. This podcast is about exploring that connection within ourselves and with everything around us. I hope you will leave this episode feeling inspired and reconnected to your female fire.
~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you.