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Apr 26, 2023

Get your FREE Sacred Rebellion roadmap, including a secret podcast + guided journal!

Growing up in a conscious way means moving into more unapologetic energy as you grow the roots of who you are and what you stand for deeper and deeper... In this episode, I explore Maiden / Mother / Crone energy, what (post)menopausal...

Apr 12, 2023

This special meditation is a gift to you from me, celebrating my 29th birthday and how feminine energy has supported me through these past years of my life. I wish the same for you, so get comfortable, make sure you won't be distracted for the next 10 minutes, and meditate with me on your golden feminine energy. I can't...

Apr 12, 2023

Check out the free meditation as part of this birthday special in your podcast app or through my website here

Get your free Yoga Connection practice by leaving your email address here. 

I'm turning 29 and in this podcast episode, I dive deep into how my feminine has unfolded in my late twenties, how I feel about...