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Feb 23, 2022

Let's shine a light on the darker sides of modern day spirituality! I think because so many elements of spirituality have been popularised and westernised, some of the magic of the actual practice has been lost. Even something like personal beliefs in a deeper meaning of life has been put into a box of...

Feb 16, 2022

Stella Tomlinson is a priestess sharing soul care for spiritually-curious midlife women - and she's the author of "Cycles of Belonging: Honouring ourselves through the sacred cycles of life".  In this podcast episode, she guides us through the beautiful archetypal journey that we as women, or people embodying feminine...

Feb 2, 2022

Why are we so afraid of our own feminine sensuality and s$xuality? And how can we reclaim our yoni energy after centuries of repression? You asked, I (hopefully!) delivered: this is THE episode where I talk all about leaning into turn on, opening yourself up to pleasure and joining the sacred rebellion of our Yoni...