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Jan 26, 2022

Becca Piastrelli is the author of the freshly released book Root & Ritual: Timeless Ways to Connect with Land, Lineage, Community, and the Earth and host of the Belonging podcast, a personal deep fave of mine! She is a spaceholder for women, exploring ancestral wisdom, connecting with the earth and finding meaningful...

Jan 19, 2022

Tyrone Brown is a dream-time coach with a background in energy medicine, mindfulness, yoga, meditation, shamanism and dreams. He is passionate about showing how our dreams can be a transformational tool to connect to higher realms and step into our true potential.

In this episode, we talk about what spiritual feminism...

Jan 12, 2022

Spirit Mamas is a powerful platform for spiritually conscious mamas to find support and empowerment. Her founders Victoria and Tiffany are healers and spaceholders, passionate about connecting mothers through ritual and intuitive methods. 

In this episode, we explore the power of the portal of motherhood and birth....